Monday, January 30, 2006

stardate...same day.

January has been a great month, fo sho...r.

I have a car, I sang a solo (and people obviously liked it *shocked*), and I’ve developed my movie ideas (a slow process for me) life has been good lately. thats all...I guess.

stardate, spaghetti...

Actually this story has nothing to do with Albino spaghetti...but I wish it did.

I played star wars in the car. The whole scene where Luke blows up the star destroyer, "switching off targeting computer!" Rebekah laughed at me the whole time, but I had fun. I pulled the seat all the way up as far as it would go and tied myself up in the seat belt. Getting out was the toughest part...did I mention the huge sun glasses I was wearing. It was awesome!!!... slightly weird but worth it in the end.

The moral of the story...well I think it's pretty clear.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


So I walked in the door never to be the same...

Monday afternoon dad told me I had a fairy god mother, and that I now have a car. I thought it was some kind of a sick joke, or that maybe I had heard him wrong. But he starts telling me all about this lady and her 91 saturn that she has kept in really good condition, and that she has saved up to buy a new car, and is going to give me her 91 saturn! So we can pick it up in two weeks...and this story needs more exclamation! p!o!i!n!t!s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!11!!!!